Complete firmware solution for PICMG® AMC Module Management Controller (MMC), a mandatory AMC component
Meets IPMI 1.5, IPMB CPS v1.0, PICMG® 3.0 Rev.3.0 and AMC.0 R2.0 specifications
Dramatically shortens time to market for newly designed AMC
Brings up MMC firmware to a new level for re-designed AMC
Requires minimal to no knowledge of specifications
Royalty free
Robust, well structured, documented ‘C’ source code with detailed references to applicable specifications
Runs on low-cost, space saving Atmel 8-bit AVR XMEGA microcontrollers with only a few external components required
Extremely simple porting to user AMC hardware to meet different requirements of PICMG® 3.0 compatibility
Ready to go out of the box for minimal MMC functionality
Easily integrates into MMC microcontroller top-level complex management application with powerful system monitoring and management tasks, communication, etc
Based on robust, compact, truly royalty free, source code FreeRTOS® from Real Time Engineers Ltd (
Comes with a TAMMC® EVM for immediate learning and testing
Used on all AMC modules from MicroLAB Systems