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DSP Development (54)
D.SignT D.FAT Filesystem

D.FAT File System for Embedded DSP Systems

The D.FAT file systems is used on DSP platforms to

≫ write log-files to the Flash memory
≫ log acquired data
≫ update program and parameter files
≫ store HTML pages, scripts, and images on browser-based user interfaces

A file system is required by many applications, for example by FTP and HTTP servers running on the DSP system. The D.SignT D.FAT file system provides this functionality. D.FAT supports ramdisks, SD- and MMC-cards and the onboard Flash memory of D.Module DSP boards and Spectrum Digital development boards. With user-provided low-level drivers, even SSD and harddisks are usable. D.FAT supports FAT12, FAT16 and FAT32 with 512 byte cluster size and file size up to 4G byte. Filenames use 8.3 format and full long filename support.
≫ getcwd() get current working directory
≫ chdir() change directory
≫ mkdir() make directory
≫ rmdir() remove directory
≫ dir() list directory content
≫ ren() rename file or directory
≫ del() delete file or directory
≫ fopen() open a file for reading, writing, appending, etc.
≫ fclose() close a file
≫ fread() block read from file
≫ fgetc() read character from file
≫ fgets() read string from file
≫ fscanf() formatted read from file
≫ fwrite() block write to file
≫ fputc() write character to file
≫ fputs() write string to file
≫ fprintf() formatted write to file
≫ fsize() get file size
≫ ftell() get current file pointer position
≫ fgetpos() get current file pointer position
≫ fseek() set file pointer position
≫ _feof() test for end of file
≫ dFatAddDrive create and add a drive
≫ dFatInit initialize file system on the specified drive
≫ format format file system
≫ SetRamDisc set RAM disk parameter
≫ dFatVol change volume
≫ dFatFlush flush file system
≫ dFatDone close file system
Technical Information
Ordering Information
≫ D.FAT-xxxx File System Library for D.Modules, EVMs and DSK Starter Kits
xxxx = DSP module or processor name
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VP : T10636D4, Last updated :2018-02-15 23:14:17