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DSP Development (54)
TMS320F28335 eZdsp-761135, 761136

Spectrum Digital eZdsp Starter Kits, TMS320F28335

Spectrum Digital eZdsp Starter Kits are an entry level solution for the C2000 and C5000 families of DSPs and controllers. The C2000 family is dedicated to motor control, servos and sensors. The C5000 processors are power-optimized and used for portable equipment.
≫ 150 MHz TMS320F28335 floating-point processor
≫ 68K on-chip RAM, 512K on-chip Flash, 256K on-board SRAM
≫ on-board emulation with USB interface
≫ CAN and RS232 interface
≫ 16-channel 12-bit AD converter
≫ 5V power supply
≫ expansion port
≫ socketed version available (761136)
≫ Code Composer Studio
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VP : T6889D5, Last updated :2018-02-15 22:30:40